5 Signs Your Dog Needs More Love and Attention

Our furry friends are more than pets; they're family. And just like any family member, they crave love, attention, and care. But dogs communicate differently from us, often showing through behavior rather than words when they need more affection. Recognizing these signs is key to strengthening your bond and ensuring your dog's happiness. Let's explore the telltale signs that your dog might be asking for more love and attention.

Seeking More Physical Contact

If your dog seems to be glued to your side more than usual, it's a clear sign they're seeking extra affection. This can include more frequent nudges for pets, laying their head in your lap, or even just sitting on your feet. Physical touch is comforting for dogs and a primary way they express and receive love.

Increased Vocalization

A dog that's feeling neglected might start to vocalize more to get your attention. This can range from more frequent barking when you're not in the room, to whining or howling. They're essentially calling out for you, making it important not to ignore these vocal cues.

Following You Around

Does your dog follow you from room to room, even when they seem to have no particular reason to do so? This "shadowing" behavior is a sign they want to be involved in your life and are seeking more interaction and attention from you.

Bringing Toys

When dogs bring you their toys, it's not just an invitation to play—it's a sign they want to interact with you specifically. This gesture signifies they value your company and are looking for more engagement. Ignoring this sign can lead to feelings of neglect. For a selection of engaging toys, check out CanadaVet’s Dog Toys.

Change in Eating Habits

A sudden lack of interest in food or a change in eating habits can also indicate your dog is feeling lonely or neglected. While this can also signify health issues, if your vet has ruled those out, consider it a call for more attention.


Our dogs do so much to brighten our lives; it's only fair we tune into their needs for love and attention. Recognizing signs like seeking more physical contact, increased vocalization, following you around, bringing toys, and changes in eating habits can help you address your dog's emotional needs. By responding with more cuddles, playtime, and engagement, you'll ensure your dog feels as loved and valued as they make you feel. Remember, a happy dog makes for a happy home. For all your dog care needs, from grooming supplies to toys that can help you bond, visit CanadaVet.