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Unfortunately recent changes to the practices of various Canadian government authorities means that we can no longer guarantee that shipments will arrive in a timely manner or at all to Canadian delivery addresses. We have therefore had to take the difficult decision to suspend shipping orders to Canadian addresses effective from 11 November 2019.
When CanadaVet was founded in 2005, it was established to supply Canadian sourced pet products to US based customers. In order to keep our prices low, we now source and ship products from all over the world and most come from outside Canada, but we continue to be proud of the dozens of Canadian jobs we've created and supported.
In recent years we have been shipping to Canadian addresses, but unfortunately since mid 2019 the interpretation and application of various regulations by Health Canada, Canada Border Services Agency and the Canada Revenue Agency and dreadful delays by Canada Post means that we can no longer guarantee that shipments will arrive in a timely manner to Canadian delivery addresses. Many orders that are delivered have unreasonable fees or taxes imposed and some don't arrive at all. These are all matters outside our control.
We have therefore had to take the difficult decision to suspend shipping orders to Canadian addresses at least for the time being. Unfortunately we are not able to say when we will be able to resume shipping to Canadian addresses but we will continue to look for solutions. We do apologise to all our Canadian customers.
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