Does your pet constantly groom itself?
Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) is the most common skin disease seen in pets. An allergic reaction to flea saliva causes cats and dogs to itch, scratch and lick bites incessantly; creating a ceaseless cycle which is very painful. Unlike some cats and dogs who may be able to tolerate a moderate amount of bites, pets with FAD can’t even tolerate one. Bring relief to your pet and help FAD by using a flea treatment such as Bravecto Spot On, or Simparica for Dogs in combination with a variety of wound care creams. Find out more dog flea treatment online from CanadaVet.
Does your pet go outside to play in the backyard or visit parks and recreation reserves?
Your dogs itching can be caused by environmental allergens. Allergens can either be seasonal or year round; with reactions typically occurring when your pet has been exposed to certain plants, air born pollen, fungus or moulds. If you notice that your pets start scratching after coming inside following play time, keep them inside the next day or two and try to identify the cause.
Does your pet eat well balanced pet foods?
Many cats and dogs are vulnerable to skin irritations because the food they eat is not balanced. As a result of not getting sufficient nutrients and vitamins, their skin, coat and entire body can be in a constant state of stress and itchiness. Containing omega fatty acids made up of fish oil and linseed oil, PAW Dermega Omega 3 & 6 Oral Supplement will help maintain your pet’s skin and improve their coat condition. PAW Dermega Omega 3 & 6 Oral Supplement can also be used for treating all allergic and inflamed skin conditions, including FAD.
Is your pet shampoo full of harsh chemicals and irritants?
Irritants and harsh chemicals, particularly those found in many shampoos and conditioners, can irritate the skin and cause itching in your pet. These chemicals are able to deplete your pet’s ceramides and fatty acids, which are a major factor in maintaining healthy skin. Containing Vitamin B5 and colloidal oatmeal, PAW NutriDerm Range has been specifically designed to relieve itchy skin and to support and maintain skin health in your pet.
Does your pet have stinky paws, musty-smelling ears and is constantly scratching?
Fungal infections are another cause of dry, itchy and scaly skin in dogs. Usually present in soil rich in animal faeces, dust, mould or grass, and even found naturally occurring in our pet’s body, fungal organisms and their spores can cause anything from skin irritations, skin lesions and skin and hair loss to lethal damage of our pet’s internal organs. For control of fungal infections of the skin use Malaseb Medicated Foam. It’s synergistic formula effectively degreases the skin, removes scales and kills the microorganisms that cause dermatitis. To treat sensitive fungal infections such as ringworm use Fungafite Antifungal Cream. Help your pet prevent itching. Find out more dog supplies online from CanadaVet.